Team Zurich

Atelier Kanal together with
noAarchitecten, Brussels
and Sergison Bates architects, London
Deputy professor TU Berlin
International Conference ‘Think. Design. Build. 2’ at the IfA TU Berlin
EM2N Architekten Berlin GmbH
International Conference ‘Next Generation Albania’ in Tirana
Workshop at Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Guest Lecturer ETH Zurich
Guest Lecturer EPF Lausanne
Swiss Art Award in Architecture
EM2N Architekten AG | ETH | SIA | BSA
Thesis Prof. Adrian Meyer | Prof. Marcel Meili, ETH Zurich
Studies in architecture at the ETH Zurich
Studies in Olympia, WA, USA
raised in Zurich
raised in Nuremberg, Germany
born in Zurich, Switzerland

Expert consultant on high-rise developments for the City of Zurich
Atelier Kanal together with
noAarchitecten, Brussels
and Sergison Bates architects, London
Permanent guest at Deputy professorship TU Berlin
EM2N Architekten Berlin GmbH
International Conference ‘Next Generation Albania’ in Tirana
Workshop at Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Member Baukollegium Zurich
Member Baukollegium Berlin
Guest Lecturer ETH Zurich
Guest Lecturer EPF Lausanne
Swiss Art Award in Architecture
EM2N Architekten AG | ETH | SIA | BSA
Thesis Prof. Adrian Meyer | Prof. Marcel Meili, ETH Zurich
Exchange student Rhode Island School of Design,
Providence, RI, USA
Studies in architecture at the ETH Zurich
raised in Trimbach, Switzerland
born in Olten, Switzerland